Your Global Authorized Distributor Of Electronic Components

We Can Bring Your Projects To Life!

Global Soucing Network

Extensive Product Range

Technical Support

Custom Design


At Ortecs, we take pride in our global distribution network, ensuring that our high-quality Sourcing solutions reach customers wherever they are in the world. With strategic partnerships and logistics hubs across key regions, we deliver our products quickly and efficiently, reducing lead times and keeping costs low. Our commitment to global reach means that no matter where your business operates, Ortecs is there to support you with reliable, innovative solutions.

We Provide Integrated Approach

Establishing Customer Oriented Goals for Better Results


Ortecs is an Independent Distributor since 2006. We have Global hubs for full customer support

Supply Chain

Experts in allocations, hard to find stock. VMI,SMI,VPA

We Are Certified

We are ISO-9120 Certified and peovide lab testing when required including quality control & inspection.

Access Inventory Management

We reduce procurement costs through capital recovery & manage access inventory stock.


We support small pilot projects or productions & provide full logistic support

Custom Design

Our team of FAE support built to spec including cable assembly, batteries, power supply, connectors and more.

We Deliver Edge AI Technology

Our Top
